
土地晚报 (1977)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 1977
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食人鱼 李·迈杰斯、凯伦·布莱克
施佩萨尔特的客栈 莉泽洛特·普尔韦尔、卡洛斯·汤普森
熔岩 10-31
空地 11-07
情杀 11-25
学爸 10-14





This strange film is a made-up documentary, detailing the future history of Denmark in **** related but discrete storylines. In one, the refusal by a group of shipyard workers to work on ships carrying atomic warheads leads to sympathetic strikes around the country, and a general strike threatens. In another, the future relationship of the Common ****** nations to various defen...

发布于1977年。由Peter Watkins执导,并于1977公映的电影。

[已注销] 2015-03-07
