
哈瓦尔登先生 (1968)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Ellen Vogel / Hilde Uitterlinden / Joan Remmelts / Dora van der Groen
  • 上映时间: 1968(比利时)
  • 更新时间:
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第七日,第八夜 扬·利比切克、瓦茨拉夫·巴布卡 7.9
法老 耶日·泽尔尼克、维斯瓦娃·马祖尔凯维奇 7.5
学爸 10-14
制暴 01-04




哈瓦尔登先生原名:Monsieur Hawarden,

We need other people to define ourselves. And if these people think we are someone else we feel lost. Harry Kumel uses techniques from Griffith, the sober mise-en-scene from Carl Theodor Dreyer and the themes of Sternberg( whom he dedicates the film to) to tell this story. But he makes of all these different visions a very personal film. It is his first movie and he already sho...

发布于1968年。由Harry Kümel执导,并且由编剧Jan Blokker、Filip De Pillecyn携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ellen Vogel、Hilde Uitterlinden、Joan Remmelts、Dora van der Groen、Xander Fisher、Senne Rouffaer、Marielle Fiolet等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1968(比利时)公映的电影。

1 2011-07-10
