
我们都叫陶德 (2010)

  • 别名:Tord Och Tord
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 上映时间: 2010
  • 更新时间:
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我们都叫陶德原名:Tord and Tord,又名Tord Och Tord


发布于2010年。由Niki Lindroth Von Bahr执导,并且由编剧Niki Lindroth Von Bahr携幕后团队创作。并于2010公映的电影。

Sunny 2022-03-04

最后一个镜头让人心寒 为什么一个熟悉的人会突然拒绝沟通甚至蒸发?

Q影誌 2022-01-08


xkan 2020-03-05


🍮布丁长颈鹿🦒 2020-02-29

I didn’t realize it was a message. We saw each other almost every day. As we were getting to know each other better we realized that we were quite different- even though we shared the same name. I for example really liked pot plants. Whereas Tord was **** interested in rugs. :( 喜欢古怪的毛茸茸大耳兔子~~~~

Daisy 2017-10-23

“Sometimes we were so fond of a message that we sent it back and forth for a week. By doing that it was unclear who came up with the idea in the first place- and we could share the honor.”

無邊無際 2011-11-04

很有意思 的一个短片。当一个人误入一间以为是自己的房间,撞到一个名字和自己一样的人,会是什么情况?