
跟鱼说去吧 (2006)

  • 豆瓣评分:  8
  • 演员: Gerard McSorley ... Jack / Dylan Moran ... Finn
  • 更新时间:
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跟鱼说去吧原名:Tell It to the Fishes,

The tide is slowly coming in and Finn (Dylan Moran),a worthless low-rent hood, has been dropped on an isolated beach,his feet set in concrete.Finn's misery is compounded when Jack (Gerard McSorley), a short,hard and edgy minor gangster responsible for his predicament,lands a few yards away, feet also set in concrete.Rather than helping each other the two men bicker and squander...

发布于2006年。由William Sinclair执导,并且由编剧William Sinclair携幕后团队创作。集众多位Gerard McSorley ... Jack、Dylan Moran ... Finn等著名实力派明星加盟。

费德里科维奇 2017-09-28


尿水遥遥 2011-07-01

太文艺了。。。Dylan Moran。。。最后的镜头真好。。我也有这种想法。。

勵帝或 2011-06-25

这是多么伟大的预言!自我的枷锁,畅快的吸完最后一口烟! ****://***.tudou****/programs/view/INB_JXSMn_8/

kiki204629 2011-05-08


隔岸之雨 2010-06-28


静@Einfühlung 2010-02-01

Bernard: This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. Thats it! ----Black Books