
纳粹集中营 (1945)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔 / 奥马尔·纳尔逊·布莱德雷 / 乔治·史密斯·巴顿 / Hayden Sears
  • 上映时间: 1945-11-29(德国)
  • 更新时间:
穷电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!





纳粹集中营原名:Nazi Concentration Camps,

This is the original footage of the Nazi Death Camps which were taken by the Allies when they captured and liberated them. This is direct evidence that was used against the Nazis during the Nuremburg Trials.  Very rare, and almost impossible to find on the web. This is completely uncensored rarely any video cutting. The only narration is what the Allies Chief Commander narrating...

发布于1945年。由乔治·史蒂文斯执导,集众多位德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔、奥马尔·纳尔逊·布莱德雷、乔治·史密斯·巴顿、Hayden Sears、Herman Bolker、Adolf Wahlmann、Karl Willig、Jack Taylor等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1945-11-29(德国)公映的电影。

寻丘 2024-01-31


你也配? 2023-07-09


YiQiao 2022-01-03

... “When the title KZ came on the screen there was a gasp throughout the audience.” After the end of the movie, Taylor remembered, "all of the audience except three women who looked rather ill waited for the cowboy film. They were much disappointed when the ******* announced that was all." Unsurprisingly, German civilians did not appreciate such efforts. //Brockmann, S. A Critical History of German Film[M].New York: Camden House, 2010 :195.

徐若风 2021-12-04


Frühlingsbär 2021-02-15

I’ve never seen such many skeletons and corpses in ** whole life... horrible

Crepuscule 2020-08-24


阿雲 2020-05-15


阿阿阿阿萌 2020-03-19

德国投降后,美国实地记载的纪录片. 不是演员, 不是特效, 是活生生的人.

Darwin功夫小魚 2020-03-07


七姐Clau☁dia 2020-03-03
