
奥利安娜 (1994)

  • 别名:男女授受不清
  • 豆瓣评分:  7.3
  • 演员: 威廉姆·H·梅西 / 黛博拉·艾森斯塔
  • 上映时间: 1994-11-04
  • 更新时间:
穷电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!







A two character movie, involving a college professor, John, who is confronted by a female student, Carol, who is failing his course. The two spend a long time talking to each other, during which time John says a few things that can be taken the wrong way. After the night the two spent talking, John is slapped with a sexual harassment accusation by Carol. After **** accusations ...


🤨 2022-08-20

我在想女主为什么会指控他?因为自卑敏感听到几个字词就胡思乱想被**想法一直挂在脑子里,不过她为什么这么理智看起来像是陷构,不过也可能是因为极度自卑所致,。 为什么教授对学生的态度从不耐烦到费心费力传述自己的观点,可能教授对生活不满意消极负面的男人,想要找个人发泄,也有可能教授看似在有意无意的把自己想法告诉女主其实强加自己的观点给女主让自卑短见的女主产生迷茫起到一个PUA的效果,以达到教授不可告人的**目的

Socker 2020-04-27

为什么叫oleanna?虽然感觉女主巨**但想讲话确实是人家的权利 就加缪讲的人不是善与恶的区别而是无知是最大的恶 both ways 剧本的tension怪怪反正看的人不是很舒*

momo 2020-04-13

#白左都是***#但一个戏要花90分钟来说这个道理,等于用90分钟展示粉蛆的蠕动,还是过于恶心叻。这种小将是蠢是坏抑或兼而有之,根本无关紧要,跟它多说一句就已经输了。btw 马梅应该是一个de facto anti-Beckett, 语言永远不如行动,且只起折磨的作用,但这种折磨虽然具有足够的挑衅性,却也永远不如命运的折磨那样高贵,把英雄的悲剧变成**的德匹下,充满戏剧性的**而丧失戏剧的净化。

我的荒謬 2019-04-03

男女……授受不亲or是非男女 YJ远景D5

数据分析后生 2019-03-30

It is a power struggle for sure as Coral puts it right there "I don't want revenge. I want understanding" that "any atmosphere of free discussion is impossible" under power, and the "process of selection" (for admittance) is cruel, and higher education and aspirations they students worked so hard for are not "prolonged and systematic hazing", that John the professor's attitude to play the patriarch in class is given by his power to "insult" her and "get paid for it". She is not stupid at all. But sue him of attempted ****? Seriously? Way too much. And this will unhelp her group, a result contrary to her intentions.

超人叔叔 2018-09-22


柴犬毛毯 2018-08-28


paradiso 2018-01-29

剧中虽然不可否认老师有些夸夸其谈手脚太大(这在***被关注前估计男性严重缺乏自肃)但呈现的是一个交流不在同一*率(因为学生极笨- -)造成的悲剧,学生简直**小将。但把女生写这么笨又要招来怀疑了蓄意开脱真**抹黑女权家吗?建议女老师男学生和同性师生版都可以排一下。

Février 2016-10-26


薄荷绿 2014-02-04

首先就不说拍得多差了,话剧一个字没改就拍成了电影。david mamet 人品就有问题,曲解并**女权主义并为男性沙文主义辩解!