
我讨厌我自己 (2013)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 乔安娜·阿诺 / James Kepple / Max Karson
  • 更新时间:
穷电影 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



周末 玛丽亚·乌斯多、Sofia Lanaro
蜜瓜彩虹 维多利亚·卡门·索内、Albert Mogensen
公海 07-09
船行 02-05
月光 06-10
Peitruss 06-23
学爸 10-14




我讨厌我自己原名:i hate myself :),

Nebbishy filmmaker Joanna Arnow documents her yearlong relationship with racially charged poet-provocateur James Kepple. What starts out as an uncomfortably intimate portrait of a dysfunctional relationship and protracted mid-twenties adolescence, quickly turns into a complex commentary on societal repression, sexuality and self-confrontation through art.

发布于2013年。由乔安娜·阿诺执导,集众多位乔安娜·阿诺、James Kepple、Max Karson等著名实力派明星加盟。

liopa 2024-04-20

/dating is so *** used to be the two best things in life and now I have none; the personal is personal!

ShrimpEmpanada 2015-07-26

虽然四处煽风点火的诗人男友和**剪辑师抢了足够的风头,但直到那段惊世骇俗的"Porno"戏,Joanna才算真正找到了她想拍的电影,这部以自己为主角的纪录片也正式成为了对这一过程本身的记录,同时解释了片名最后的 :)